Fur & Feathers Club
More and more 4-H'ers are raising chickens and rabbits for their livestock projects. Chickens and rabbits can be kept in small spaces, do not require a substantial financial investment, and are easily handled by nearly anyone. Shelby County’s 4-H Fur & Feathers Club is for 4-Hers who want to learn how to properly care for their chickens and rabbits. While the focus is on proper care, some members also show their animals at county and state fairs. Over the years, Shelby County 4-Hers have won hundreds of ribbons and trophies showing their animals.
Fur & Feathers meets the Second Monday of each month.
January 13th at 6:00 P.M.
February 10th at 6:00 P.M.
Our topic will be babies -- baby poultry and baby rabbits. We will
again divide into groups and I am going to give each group a list
of questions about taking care of baby poultry and rabbits.
Finally, at the end of the meeting, if there are any parents
interested in the meat chicken project, we need to get the ball rolling
on that. If there is no interest, we won't do it this year. So be sure
to let me know and be there.
Club Leader
Walt Reichert@yahoo.com
waltreichert@yahoo.com |